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How to Get More Traffic to Your Website – Simple SEO Tips For Non Techies

SEO or search engine optimization is simply developing an effective system to bring targeted traffic to your website. Don’t shy away from SEO just because you struggle with technical things. SEO isn’t that technical, it simply involves knowing your keywords, creating informative keyword rich content for your website, posting on blogs and forums, writing articles, and getting links from other websites.

Traffic is the lifeblood of your website. And there is no better way to generate traffic to your website than to rank on the first page of search results. You don’t need to be a techie to get your site on the first page of Google, it helps, but there are many things you can do to get your site ranked highly that need little technical skill. Here are some of them:

Know your keywords

It helps to know what words and phrases people type into search engines when looking for a business like yours. Don’t skip keyword research or guess at keywords. Basic keyword research doesn’t involve any technical skill at all. Simply write down all the words and phrases you can think of that relate to your business, product, or service, then use a keyword research tool to find out how many people search using those keywords and how much competition there is so that you’ll know which keywords you will have more success with. Keyword research tools will also help you to discover related keyword phrases.

Write and submit articles

Write informative how to articles, submit them to article directories and include an author’s resource box with links back to your website. Make sure that your anchor text – the words that people click on to go to your site – includes your keywords. They need to be the keywords people will use when looking for what you offer.

Search engines look at the anchor text used in links when deciding what keywords to rank your site for. When you use keywords as your anchor text rather than your website address it helps your site to climb in the search engines for those words and phrases.

Article Source: How to Get More Traffic to Your Website – Simple SEO Tips For Non Techies